International recruitment info 11.2. – Work in Finland welcomes you!

Welcome to join this international recruitment information session for private sector companies that operate in the field of international recruitment.

The goal is to update you on our services, discuss, and see where we could support you better. We have selected a few topics.

Please feel free to let us know if there is anything else you would like to know more about, we can then add this to the agenda. Language of the meeting: Finnish or English, according to the needs. Hope to see you online soon!

Please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues.

Preliminary agenda:

  • Work in Finland Talent Manager service
  • Workinfinland sites for open jobs & Työmarkkinatori
  • site private service providers list
  • Events
  • Roadshow in cities
  • Q&A

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Meeting ID: 331 071 682 80

Passcode: z2Qx23jn

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+358 9 85626311,,965411980# Finland, All locations

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Phone conference ID: 965 411 980#

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